Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crooked Stick Golf Club

Crooked Stick Golf Club is just 2 blocks away from my house. Many well known golf tournaments were held at Crooked Stick such as Solheim Cup and PGA. Because it is a private golf club, we did not have a chance to see golf field.

A chance arrived this year. BMW Championship PGA Golf were held on September 3 to 9. Kay and I decided to go there to see the golf course and some well known golfers.

We parked our car at Coxhall garden to take a shuttle bus to the golf club to maximize our fun. Kay was so happy for a short shuttle bus just like a school kid on the way for a picnic.

Kay seemed to memorize the golf course.

Kay was like a lost child among big guys.

Here is Vijay Singh's practice swing..

Here is Tiger Wood's chip shot.

Since Tiger Wood was surrounded by a big crowd of gallery, this was the closest proximity I could take his picture.

This photo was at Hole 6 green.

When I drove by the Crooked Stick Golf course on the 106th street, I could see a green and a tee off box. This photo was from inside view of that green.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

America's Best Places to live.

Carmel, Indiana was selected as No.1 in 100 best places to live in America by September issue of Money Magazine.

We moved to this town from Upstate New York twelve years ago. The move was the best one and we love our town Carmel.

Monon Trail:

Carmel Opera House:

I posed with one of many life-like statues (First Ride by J. Seward Johnson) in Carmel's Art and Design District.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hot and dry summer

I think Al Gore was right. Many years ago, I watched a documentary called "Inconvenient Truth". It was about Al Gore's campaign to educate world and people on Global warming.

Warm winter has been followed by hot and dry summer. Record breaking high temperature became very common for the last few weeks. In addition to excessive heat, dryness made our lawn to brown in spite of daily watering. Town official made ban on fire work on this independence Day to prevent fire.

Watering my vegetable garden is my daily chore. Tomato and Peppers are relatively successful, but lettuces are going nowhere.

I posted some photos of my garden a month ago to show its humble beginning. A month later, I proudly show some fruits of my labor. 

Peach tree has too many fruits that need to be sorting out. It is very difficult decision which one will stay and should go. I decided. All stay.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Vegetalble Garden

In Korea, many city dwellers find new homes in country side and start farming. It sounds very interesting and I decided to try it out. Since I have a plenty of space in our backyard, I don't have to move.

I converted my flower garden for vegetables by pulling out some of perennial plants. First year, I want to mix vegetables and flowers in one garden. I also made one box for korean lettuce on our deck.

I bought two tomado plants.

I found several boxes of pepper seedlings at the entrance of our church. I assumed it is for finder's keeper and brought one box for my garden. They are growing nicely.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our church celebrated Mother's Day after Sunday Worship Service. Members of Men's Mission Group prepared mouth watering hamburgers and Youth group planned and executed variety of games we all enjoyed. Well, I took pictures and produced this short video clip.

Background music is "Mother's endless love".


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2012 Good Friday and Easter

During Good Friday Service, I sang in a trio.

On Easter, our choir performed Easter Cantata with a orchestra.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012년도 춘계 연합 부흥회

인디애나 한인 목회자 협의회 주최로 연합 부흥회가 4월 18일에서 20일 까지 계속되었습니다.

뉴욕의 서광 교회의 담임이신 최고센 목사님이 "예배가 있는곳으로 (예배자의 삶의 열매)"라는 주제로 부흥회를 인도해 주셨습니다. 하나님이 찾으시는 참 예배자로의 회복을 갈망하는 이 지역 성도들에게 큰 깨우침(Gread Awakening)이 되었습니다.

4월 18일과 19일은 은혜 장로 교회에서 열렸습니다.

4월 20일은 순 복음 반석 교회에서 모였는데, 처음 부터 작은 공간이 떠나갈듯 한 "아멘' 소리는 말씀을 전하는  최 목사님 얼굴에서 환한 웃음이 떠나지가 않았습니다. 그 전날 "아멘??" "아멘 하세요."하며 안타까워하던 모습과는 대조적이 였습니다. 

3일 동안의 부흥 성회를 주최해 주신 인디애나 한인 목회자님들과 말씀을 전해 주신 최고센 목사님께 감사드립니다.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

울지마 톤즈 : 고 이태석 신부

KBS에서 제작한 Documentary  영화 "울지마, 톤즈"를 보며, 가난과 전쟁과 병으로 범벅이된 수단의 톤즈 마을 사람들에게 때묻지 않은 순수하고 소박한사랑과 행복과 눈물이 있음은 그들이 이태석 신부를 통하여 예수님을 만났기 때문이라고 생각해 봅니다.

뜻 깊은 고난 주일이 되시기를 ......

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rex Racer's Now and Then

Since Rex Racer came to Ben, 3 months has passed. I was very interested to see the change on Rex. Ben sent several photos of him.

A little puppy became a dignified fellow.

But he may need some hard training at obedient school.

Change in the next few month will be minimal. I will post if I see some new photos of him. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Lights

Decorating for Christmas was used to be easy. Today, some went beyond my imagination to celebrate Christmas with thousands of lights and their choreographic show. I drove around and took some video of Christmas lights.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012